* COIVD-19 protocols will change based on Boone County COVID-19 levels - HIGH- masking will be mandatory indoors and social distancing enforced. -MEDIUM/LOW- indoor masking may be recommended but are optional. *As per new guidelines from the CDC, masks are now optional in all schools.
*any student or staff member displaying symptoms (cough, sneeze, etc.) not related to a documented allergy, must wear a mask.
*Masks with ventilation devices are not allowed. *Masks must cover nose and mouth properly.
Dua for the cure of any illness:
Prophet Muhammad PBUH would say: "O Lord of the people, remove this pain and cure it, You are the one who cures and there is no one besides You who can cure, grant such a cure that no illness remains." - Ameen
(Bukhari, Muslim)
If you have not been vaccinated, this is the time to do so. We must help our children and families stay safe in this time of uncertainty.
Any family members 6 months and older can be vaccinated free of cost at any of the clinic or vaccination sites.
Maintain Good Habits
1. keep your distance, avoid handshakes, hugs and kisses on the cheeks
2. Stay home and get tested if you experience symptoms.
3. open windows and ventilate your home regularly. Avoid being too many people together indoors.
4. cough or sneeze into your sleeve or a tissue.
5. wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer.
6. clean thoroughly and regularly, especially surfaces that are touched by too many people.